in General ==Allied
| Specific Countries and Regions A list of books and resources which deal primarily with comics in specific countries or regions of the world, including book-length, general studies on the history and criticism of comics, web sites, and more. Individual book entries may include the book's Table of Contents, on-site reviews, printed review citations, links to on-line information, and more. Reviews and
Additional Information:
you'd like to
suggest titles or contribute a review of one of these books, please contact us.
![]() ![]() Argentina | Asia
| Australia | Belgium | Brazil | Canada | China
| Cuba | Denmark
Europe | Finland | France | Germany | Hong Kong | India | Italy | Japan | Kenya Latin America | Mexico | Netherlands | New Zealand | Norway | Philippines Portugal | Scandinavia / Nordic Countries | Spain | Sweden Switzerland | Tanzania | United Kingdom | United States Merino,
Ana. 2003. El Cómic
Hispánico [Spanish-language Comics].
Signo e imagen, 74. Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra. ISBN
8437620570. WebLink: Comic Nacional . WebLink: Estudios y Crítica de la Historieta Argentina . Asia Lent, John A., ed. 1999. Themes and Issues in Asian Cartooning: Cute, Cheap, Mad and Sexy. Bowling Green, OH: Popular Press. Buy It! Lent,
John A., ed. 2001. Illustrating Asia: Comics, Humor
Magazines, and Picture Books.
Honolulu: University of Hawaii P. Buy
It! Australia Burrows, Toby, and Grant Stone. 1994. Comics in Australia and New Zealand: The Collections, The Collectors, The Creators . New York: Haworth Press. Ryan, John. 1979. Panel by Panel: A History of Australian Comics. Stanmore, New South Wales: Cassell Australia. 223pp. Shiell, Anette, ed. 1996. Bonzer: Australian Comics 1900s - 1990s. National Centre for Australian Studies, Monash University. Redhill South, Victoria, Australia: Elgua Media. ISBN 1876308125. Dayez, Hughes. 1997. Le duel Tintin-Spirou. Bruxelles: Editions Luc Pire. 255pp. ISBN 2-930088-49-4 (paperback). Lefèvre, Pascal and Patrick Van Gompel. 2003. La nouvelle BD flammande. Berchem: Fonds flamand des Lettres. 58pp. Lofficier, Jean-Marc and Randy Lofficier. 2000. French Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror and Pulp Fiction: A Guide to Cinema, Television, Radio, Animation, Comic Books and Literature from the Middle Ages to the Present. Foreword by Stephen R. Bissette. McFarland. 800pp. ISBN 0-7864-0596-1 (paperback). publisher's information Miller, Ann. 2007. Reading Bande
Dessinée: Critical Approaches to French-Language Comic Strip.
Bristol, UK; Chicago, IL: Intellect Ltd. 272pp. Brazil Albernaz, Bia and Maurício Peltier. [1999?] Almanaque de Fanzines - O Que São e Como São. Brazil: Arte de Ler. 95 pp, black and white. Cardoso, Athos Eichler, ed. 2000. As Aventuras de Nhô-Quim & Zé Caipora. Os Primeros Quadrinhos Brasileiros 1869-1883. Pref. by the Italian Ambassador to Brazil. Editorial Council of the Federal Senate, Brasilia. WebLink: CyberComix WebLink: Front : Web and print magazine. WebLink: : a enciclopédia brasileira dos gibis. Canada Bell, John, ed. 1986. Canuck Comics. Montreal: Matrix Books. ISBN 0-921101007. Bell, John. 1992. Guardians of the North : The National Superhero in Canadian Comic-Book Art. Ottawa: National Archives of Canada (Canadian Museum of Caricature). 53 pp. Bell, John. 2006. Invaders from the North: How Canada Conquered the Comic Book Universe. Foreword by Seth. Toronto: The Dundurn Group. Falardeau, Mira. 1994. La Bande Dessinée au Québec. Montréal: Boréal. 125pp. ISBN 2890525392 (paperback). Hirsh, Michael, and Patrick Loubert. 1971. The Great Canadian Comic Books. Historical perspective by Alan Walker; designed and illustrated by Clive Smith; Afterword by Harold Town. Toronto: Peter Martin Associates. 264 pp. Lent, John A., compiler. 1994. Animation, Caricature, and Gag and Political Cartoons in the United States and Canada: An International Bibliography . Forward by Maurice Horn. Bibliographies and Indexes in Popular Culture, Number 3. Westport, CT and London: Greenwood Press. 417 pp. ISBN 0-313-28681-7 (hardcover). Lofficier, Jean-Marc and Randy Lofficier. 2000. French Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror and Pulp Fiction: A Guide to Cinema, Television, Radio, Animation, Comic Books and Literature from the Middle Ages to the Present. Foreword by Stephen R. Bissette. McFarland. 800pp. ISBN 0-7864-0596-1 (paperback). publisher's information WebLink: Beyond the Funnies: The History of Comics in English Canada and Quebec / Au delà de l'humour : L'histoire de la bande dessinée au Canada anglais et au Québec: National Library of Canada/National Archives of Canada exhibit. In English and French. WebLink: The Doug Wright Awards . WebLink: Guardians of the North : National Library of Canada/National Archives of Canada exhibit on Canadian superheroes. In English and French. WebLink: Montreal Comics Jam. WebLink:
Munn, Bryan. The
Canadian Comic Art Foundation:
"Celebrating Cartoonists and Comic
Art in
Canada." Including the Canadian
Cartoonists Hall of Fame. WebLink: We Stand on Guard for Thee : Canadian Comic Book Heroes. Manthey, J. ed. 1972. Das Mädchen aus der Volkskommeune, Chinesische Comics . Hamburg: Rowohlt.
Cuba Merino, Ana. 2003. El Cómic Hispánico [Spanish-language Comics]. Signo e imagen, 74. Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra. ISBN 8437620570. Beaty, Bart. 2007. Unpopular Culture: Transforming the European Comic Book in the 1990s. Studies in Book and Print Culture. University of Toronto Press. Lent,
John A.,
Lent. 2003. Comic Art of Europe through
2000: An International Bibliography. Volume I.
Bibliographies and Indexes in Popular Culture, Number 10.
Westport, CT & London: Praeger. 570pp. ISBN 027598219X
(set); 0275982203 (hardcover - Buy
It! Lent,
John A.,
Lent. 2003. Comic Art of Europe through
2000: An International Bibliography.
Volume II. Bibliographies and Indexes
in Popular Culture, Number 10.
Westport, CT & London: Praeger. 571-1090pp. ISBN
(set); 0275982211 (hardcover - Buy
It! WebLink: European Comics on the Web Finland WebLink: Sarjakuvantekijät Ry (In English: The Finnish Comics Professionals ) WebLink: Suomen Sarjakuvaseuran Sähköiset Sivut (In English: The Finnish Comics Institute) France Béra, Michel, Michel Denni, and Philippe Mellot. 1997. Trésors de la Bande Dessinée: Catalogue Encyclopedique 1997-1998. Les Éditions de L'Amateur. 768pp. Forsdick,
Charles, Laurence Grove, and Libbie Mcquillan,
eds. The Francophone Bande
Dessinée. Faux Titre
265. Faux Titre S. Rodopoi, 2005. 273pp. ISBN 9042017767. Buy
It! Lofficier, Jean-Marc and Randy Lofficier. 2000. French Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror and Pulp Fiction: A Guide to Cinema, Television, Radio, Animation, Comic Books and Literature from the Middle Ages to the Present. Foreword by Stephen R. Bissette. McFarland. 800pp. ISBN 0786405961 (paperback). publisher's information Miller, Ann. 2007. Reading Bande Dessinée: Critical Approaches to French-Language Comic Strip. Bristol, UK; Chicago, IL: Intellect Ltd. 272pp. WebLink: Cool French Comics : Information on French-language comics from Belgium and France. Germany Dolle-Weinkauff, Bernd. 1990. Comics: Geschichte einer populären Literaturform in Deutschland seit 1945. Beltz-Verlag. ISBN 3-407-56521-6. Gasser, Christian, ed. 1999. Mutanten: Die deutschsprachige Comic-Avantgarde der 90er Jahre. Hatje Cantz Verlag.160pp ISBN 3-7757-0900-2 (paperback). Knigge, Andreas C. 1986. Fortsetzung folgt. Comic Kultur in Deutschland. Frankfurt a.M./Berlin. Laqua, Carsten. 1992. Wie Micky unter die Nazis fiel. Walt Disney und Deutschland. Reinbek bei Hamburg. Wong,
Wendy Siuyi. 2002. Hong
Comics: A History of Manhua. New York:
Princeton Architectural Press. 188pp. ISBN 1568982690 paperback).
It! Chandra, Nandini. 2008. The Classic Popular: Amar Chitra Katha, 1967-2007. New Delhi: Yoda Press. ISBN: 8190363433 McLain, Karline. 2009. India's Immortal Comic Books: Gods, Kings, and Other Heroes. Contemporary Indian Studies. Published in association with the American Institute of Indian Studies. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. WebLink: COMIX DISCUSSION BOARD OF iNdIa (CDBi). della Corte, Carlo. 1961. I Fumetti. Enciclopedia Popolare Mondadori. Arnoldo Mondadori Editore. 191pp. Gadducci, Fabio. 2006. Notes on the Early Decades of Italian Comic Art. Felici Editore. 32pp. ISBN 886019086X. Gubern, R. 1976. Il fumetto. Novara: Istituto Geografico di Agostini. That's Fumetti: Italian Comics at the San Diego International Comic Con. 1988. Milano: Epierre. 72pp. Allison, Anne. 1996. Permitted and Prohibited Desires: Mothers, Comics, and Censorship in Japan. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Amano, Masanao. 2004. Manga Design. Köln: Taschen, 2004. 576pp. ISBN 3822825913 (paperback, with DVD). Gravett,
Paul. 2004. Manga:
Sixty Years of
Japanese Comics.
London: Lawrence King / New York: Harper Design International. 176pp.
ISBN 1856693910 (paperback). Author's website
- Buy
It! Groensteen, Thierry. [1991?] L'Univers des Mangas: Une Introduction à la Bande Dessinée Japonaise. Casterman. Kinsella,
Sharon. 2000. Adult
Manga: Culture and Power in Contemporary Japanese Society .
Richmond, Surrey: Curzon, 2000. Buy
It! Lehmann, Timothy R. 2005. Manga: Masters of the Art. New York: Collins Design - Harper Collins, 2005. 255pp. ISBN 10: 0060833319, 13: 9780060833312 (paperback). Buy It! MacWilliams, Mark W., ed. 2008. Japanese Visual Culture: Explorations in the World of Manga and Anime. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe. Schodt, Frederik L. 1983. Manga! Manga! The World of Japanese Comics . Foreword by Osamu Tezuka. Tokyo, New York, and San Francisco: Kodansha International. Schodt, Frederik L. 1996. Dreamland Japan: Writings on Modern Manga. Berkeley, CA: Stone Bridge P. WebLink: JAI2 : The World of Frederik L. Schodt, with much information on manga. WebLink: Kyoto International Manga Museum, including extensive English-language information. WebLink: Sharon Kinsella Publications, with on-line articles on various aspects of manga and Japanese culture. WebLink: Sase Sema Publications Foster, David William. 1989. From Mafalda to Los Supermachos: Latin American Graphic Humor as Popular Culture. Boulder, Colo.: Lynn Rienner. 119pp. ISBN 1555871410 (cloth). Buy It! Lent, John A., ed. 2005. Cartooning in
Latin America.
Hampton Press. 396pp. ISBN 1572735600 (cloth
- Buy
It! Merino, Ana. 2003. El Cómic Hispánico [Spanish-language Comics]. Signo e imagen, 74. Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra. ISBN 8437620570. Aurrecocecha, Juan Manuel and Armando Bartra. 1988, 1992, 1994. Puros Cuentos: La historieta en México . Vols 1, 2, and 3. Mexico: Grijalbo. Curiel, Fernando. 1990. Mal de ojo, iniciación a la literatura iconica. Mexico City: UNAM. Greene,
Doyle. 2005. Mexploitation Cinema: A
Critical History of Mexican Vampire, Wrestler, Ape-Man and Similar
Films, 1957-1977.
Jefferson, NC: McFarland. 192pp. ISBN 0786422017 (paperback). Buy
It! Herner, Irene. 1979. Mitos y monitos, historietas y fotonovelas en México. México: UNAM. Hinds, Harold E. Jr. and Charles M. Tatum. 1992. Not Just for Children: The Mexican Comic Book in the Late 1960s and 1970s. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. 245pp. ISBN 0313254672 (cloth). Buy It! Merino, Ana. 2003. El Cómic Hispánico [Spanish-language Comics]. Signo e imagen, 74. Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra. ISBN 8437620570. Montoya, Alberto y Ma. Antonieta Rebeil. 1982. El carácter clasista de las fotonovelas . Documento de trabajo, UAM, México. Rubenstein, Ann. 1998. Bad Language, Naked Ladies, and Other Threats to the Nation: A Political History of Comic Books in Mexico. Durham and London: Duke UP. Weblink: The Comic Book Reference Bibliographic Datafile, a wide-ranging comics bibliography. WebLink: Nederlandse Stripgeschiedenis - or, in English: History of Dutch Comics. Burrows, Toby, and Grant Stone. Comics in Australia and New Zealand: The Collections, The Collectors, The Creators . New York: Haworth Press, 1994. 115 p. ISBN 1-56024-664-2 (cloth). Watson, Chris and Roy Shuker. In the Public Good? Censorship in New Zealand. Palmerston North, NZ: Dunmore Press, 1998. ISBN 0864693052. Norway WebLink: Raptus: Bergen Internasjonale tegneseriefestival / Bergen International Comics Festival. Philippines WebLink: Bedeteca de Lisboa : Lisbon's comics museum. WebLink: - "Produced and updated by Nordic comics libraries, museums and associations." Information in several languages, including English. WebLink: Scottish Cartoon Art Studio Martín, Antonio. Apuntes para una Historia de los Tebeos . Colección Viñetas no. 1. Barcelona: Glénat, 2000. 212 pp. ISBN 84-8449-026-2 (paperback). Martín, Antonio. Historia del Comic Español: 1875-1939 . Colección Communicación Visual. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gilli, S. A., 1978. 248pp. ISBN 84-252-0899-8 (paperback). Martín, Antonio. Los Inventores del Comic Español, 1873-1900 . Colección Moebius/Series Antología no. 1. Barcelona: Editorial Planeta-DeAgostini, 2000. 128 pp. ISBN 84-395-8621-3 (paperback). Merino, Ana. El Cómic Hispánico [Spanish-language Comics]. Signo e imagen, 74. Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra, 2003. ISBN 8437620570. On-Line Essay: Patrício, Paulo. "Espanha – Sangue Novo" ["Spain's New Blood"]. Quadrado 3.2 (October 2000). WebLink: TEBEOSFERA - Revista web sobre historieta. Crivelli, Patrizia; Annette Schindler; Claudia Jerusalem; David Basler; Roli Fischbacher; Hans Keller; and Christoph Schuler, eds. Bubbles 'n' Boxes 'n' Beyond [Strapazin 59]. Catalgue for exhibit at the Swiss Institute, NYC, USA, June 1-August 19, 2000. Swiss Institute of New York, Swiss Federal Office of Culture, and Strapazin, 2000. 88pp. ISBN 3-907055-39-X (paperback). Gasser, Christian, ed. 1999. Mutanten: Die deutschsprachige Comic-Avantgarde der 90er Jahre. Hatje Cantz Verlag, 1999. 160pp. ISBN 3775709002 (paperback). Weblink: Comic-Land Sweiz ["Comics Land Switzerland"]: Exhibit from Pro Helvetia. Also in français - italiano - english - polski - español - portugais - japonais WebLink: Swiss Comics Tanzania WebLink: Bongo Toons - Cartoons and Comics in Tanzania From the AfricaServer/Virtual Museum of Contemporary African Art & PACT (Popular Association of Cartonists in Tanzania) Barker, Martin. 1984, 1992. A Haunt of Fears. London: Pluto Press, 1984. Rpt. Jackson and London: University Press of Mississippi, 1992. Bryant, Mark, and Simon Heneage, comps. 1994. Dictionary of British Cartoonists and Caricaturists 1730-1980 . Hants, Engliand: Scholar Press. 252pp. ISBN 0-85967-976-4 (cloth). [Distributed in the USA by Ashgate Publishing Co., Brookfield VT.] [Carpenter, Kevin. 1983.] Penny Dreadfuls and Comics: English Pictorials for Children from Victorian Times to the Present . A loan exhibit from the Library of Oldenburg University, West Germany, at the Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood, 2 June - 2 October 1983. Victoria and Albert Museum, 1983. ISBN 0-905209-47-8. Clark, Alan, ed. 1997. Dictionary Of British Comic Artists, Writers and Editors. British Library. 300 pp. ISBN 0-7123-4521-3 (hardcover). Gifford, Dennis. 1985. The Complete Catalog of British Comics (Including Price Guide). Exeter: Webb & Bower. Gifford,
Dennis. 1975. Happy
Days! A Century of Comics.
[aka Happy
Days! 100 Years of Comics.] London: Bloomsbury Books, 1988. London:
Jupiter Books (London) Limited, 1975. 128pp. ISBN 1870630475
(hardcover). Buy
It! Gifford,
Dennis. 1976. Victorian
Comics. London:
George Allen & Unwin Ltd. 144pp. ISBN 0047410027
(hardcover). Buy
It! Gravett, Paul. 2000. The 100 British Cartoonists of the Century. [exhibit catalogue.] London: Cartoon Art Trust. Gravett, Paul and Peter Stanbury. 2006. Great British Comics: Celebrating a Century of Ripping Yarns and Wizard Wheezes. Aurum Press. 192pp. ISBN-10: 1845131703; ISBN-13: 9781845131708 (sc). Kibble-White, Graham. 2005. The Ultimate Book of British Comics. Allison & Busby. 384pp. ISBN-10: 0749082119; ISBN-13: 9780749082116 (hardcover). Low, David. 1942. British Cartoonists, Caricaturists and Comic Artists . Series: Britain in Pictures. London: William Collins. Reed, David. 1997. The Popular Magazine in Britain and the United States, 1880-1960. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 287pp. ISBN 0-8020-4214-7 (hardcover). Sennitt, Stephen. 1999. Ghastly Terror!: The Horrible Story of the Horror Comics. Manchester, UK: Headpress. WebLink: British Comics and Story Papers from Comics UK WebLink: British Comics Collection and Select List of British Comics at The British Library WebLink: Cartoon Art Trust - The Cartoon Museum: "The Cartoon Museum is dedicated to preserving the best of British cartoons, caricatures, comics and animation, and to establishing a museum with a gallery, archives and innovative exhibitions to make the creativity of cartoon art past and present, accessible to all for the purposes of education, research and enjoyment." WebLink: CartoonHub: A National Hub for British Cartoons and Caricature: "[Carries] information about cartoon collections both in the United Kingdom and beyond, and about related activities such as conferences, new publications and other activities of interest to the research community." WebLink: International Comic Festival: Britain's annual comic celebration. WebLink: Original Comics, Annuals and Newspaper Strips from The Book Palace WebLink: Toonhound: "cartoons, animation, comic strips and puppets in the UK" United States The Art of the Comic Strip. With an Introductory Note by Don Denny, and Text and Catalogue by Judith O'Sullivan. University Maryland Department of Art: University of Maryland Art Gallery, April 1-May 9, 1971. Circulated by the Smithsonian Institution 1972-1974. University of Maryland, 1971. Bails, Jerry. Who's Who of American Comic Books, 1928-1999 (on-line database; essential resource) Bails, Jerry, and Hames Ware, eds. Who's Who in American Comics 1 (A-F) . ?Self-published, 1973. *P* [superceded by Who's Who of American Comic Books, 1928-1999] Bails, Jerry, and Hames Ware, eds. Who's Who in American Comics 2 (G-M) . ?Self-published, 1985. [superceded by Who's Who of American Comic Books, 1928-1999] Becker, Stephen. Comic Art in America . New York: Simon and Schuster, 1959. Benton, Mike. The Comic Book in America: An Illustrated History. Dallas, TX: Taylor Publishing, 1989. Berger, Arthur Asa. The Comic-Stripped American: What Dick Tracy, Blondie, Daddy Warbucks, and Charlie Brown Tell Us About Ourselves. New York: Walker and Company, 1973. Rpt. Baltimore, MD: Penguin, 1974. 225 pp. ISBN 0-14-003867-1 (paperback). *P* Berger, Arthur Asa. Manufacturing Desire: Media, Popular Culture, and Everyday Life. New Brunswick, NJ & London: Transaction Publishers, 1996. 258pp. ISBN 1560002263 (hardcover). Carlin, John and Sheena Wagstaff. The Comic Art Show: Cartoons in Painting and Popular Culture . Fantagraphics Books, 1983. 74 pp. (paperback/magazine) Craven, Thomas, ed. Cartoon Calvalcade. Crawford, Hubert H. Crawford's Encyclopedia of Comic Books . Middle Village, NY: Jonathan David Publishers, Inc., 1978. ISBN 0-8246-0221-8 (cloth). Crivelli, Patrizia; Annette Schindler; Claudia Jerusalem; David Basler; Roli Fischbacher; Hans Keller; and Christoph Schuler, eds. Bubbles 'n' Boxes 'n' Beyond [Strapazin 59]. Catalgue for exhibit at the Swiss Institute, NYC, USA, June 1-August 19, 2000. Swiss Institute of New York, Swiss Federal Office of Culture, and Strapazin, 2000. 88pp. ISBN 3-907055-39-X (paperback). Cronin, Brian. 2009. Was Superman a Spy? And Other Comic Book Legends Revealed. Plume-Penguin. Daniels, Les. Comix: A History of Comic Books in America. New York: Bonanza Books, 1971. 198pp. ISBN 0517110377 (cloth). Davidson, Sol M. Culture and the Comic-Strip. diss.phil., NYU, 1959.
, Tim. Storytelling in the
Pulps, Comics, and Radio: How
Technology Changed Popular Fiction in America.
McFarland, 2004. 235pp. ISBN 0786419024 (paperback). publisher's information
|| Buy
It! Duin, Steve and Mike Richardson. Comics Between the Panels . Milwaukie, OR: Dark Horse Comics, 1998. 504pp. ISBN 1569713448 (cloth). Duveau, Marc. Comics U.S.A. Paris: Albin Michel, 1975. ISBN 2226002170. Gabilliet, Jean-Paul. Des comics et des hommes: Histoire culturelle des comic books aux Etats-Unis. Nantes: Editions du Temps, 2005. 453+pp. ISBN 2842743091. Gifford, Denis. The American Comic Book Catalogue: The Evolutionary Era, 1884-1939. London: Mansell, 1990. 218pp. ISBN 0720119774. Gifford, Denis. American Comic Strip Collections. Glubok, Shirley. The Art of the Comic Strip. New York: Macmillan, 1979. 52 pp. ISBN 002736500X (cloth). Gordon, Ian. Comic Strips and Consumer Culture. Smithsonian P, 1998. 233 pp. Goulart, Ron. The Adventurous Decade: Comic Strips in the Thirties. New Rochelle, NY: Arlington House Publishers, 1975. ISBN 087000252X (cloth). Goulart, Ron. Comic Book Culture: An Illustrated History. Collector's Press, 2000. 204 pp. Goulart, Ron. The Comic Book Reader's Companion: An A-Z Guide to Everyone's Favorite Art Form. New York: HarperPerennial, 1993. Goulart, Ron, ed. The Encyclopedia of American Comics: From 1897 to the Present. New York and Oxford: Facts on File, 1990. Goulart, Ron. The Funnies: 100 Years of American Comic Strips . Holbrook, MA: Adams, 1995. ISBN 1558505933 (paperback). Goulart, Ron. Over 50 Years of American Comic Books. Lincolnwood, IL: Mallard Press, 1991. Goulart, Ron. Ron Goulart's Great History of Comic Books: The Definitive History from the 1890s to the 1980s. Chicago and New York: Contemporary Books, Inc., 1986. ISBN 0-8092-5045-4 (paperback). Harvey, Robert C. The Art of the Comic Book: An Aesthetic History . Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1996. Harvey, Robert C. The Art of the Funnies: An Aesthetic History . Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1994. ISBN 0-87805-612-2 (cloth), 0-87805-674-2 (paperback). Harvey, R. C., text. A Gallery of Rogues: Cartoonists' Self-Caricatures. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University Cartoon Research Library, 1998. 147pp. (cloth). Haugen, David M., ed. 2005. Comic Books. Detroit: Greenhaven Press. Heer, Jeet and Kent Worcester, eds. Arguing Comics: Literary Masters on a Popular Medium. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 2004. 176pp. ISBN 1578066867 (cloth), 1578066875 (paperback). Inge, M. Thomas. Anything Can Happen in a Comic Strip: Centennial Reflections on an American Art Form. Ohio State University Libraries, University Press of Mississippi, and Randolph-Macon College, 1995. Inge, M. Thomas. Comics as Culture . Jackson and London: University Press of Mississippi, 1990. ISBN 0-87805-407-3 (cloth), 0878054081 (paperback).
Gerard. Men
Geeks, Gangsters, and the Birth of the Comic Book.
Basic Books, 2004. 384pp. ISBN 0465036562 (hardcover). Buy
It! Katz, Harry L. and Sarah W. Duke. Featuring the Funnies: One Hundred Years of the Comic Strip. A Library of Congress Exhibition . Library of Congress, 1995. 24 oversized pp. No ISBN. Kurtzman, Harvey. From Aargh! to Zap!: Harvey Kurtzman's Visual History of the Comics and Canada: An International Bibliography . Forward by Maurice Horn. Bibliographies and Indexes in Popular Culture, Number 3. Westport, CT and London: Greenwood Press, 1994. 417 pp. ISBN 0-313-28681-7 (hardcover). Lent, John A., compiler. Comic Books and Comic Strips in the United States: An International Bibliography. Westport, CT and London: Greenwood Press, 1994. 525 pp. ISBN 0313282110 (cloth). Levin,
Bob. Outlaws, Rebels,
Freethinkers & Pirates: Essays on Cartoons and Cartoonists.
Seattle, WA: Fantagraphics, 2005. 224pp. ISBN 1560976314 (paperback). Buy
It Lopes, Paul. 2009. Demanding Respect: The Evolution of the American Comic Book. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press. Lupoff, Dick, and Don Thompson, eds. All In Color For A Dime . New Rochelle, NY: Arlington House, 1970. ISBN 0-87000-062-4. Marschall, Rick. American Comic Classics: A Collection of U.S. Postage Stamps . United States Postal Service, 1995. Masters of American Comics. Ed. John Carlin, Paul Karasik, and Brian Walker. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005. 328pp. ISBN 030011317X (hardcover). McLuhan, Herbert Marshall. The Mechanical Bride: Folklore of Industrial Man. New York: The Vanguard P, 1951. 157pp (cloth). O'Brien, R. Golden Age of Comic Books: 1937-1945. O'Sullivan, Judith. The Great American Comic Strip: One Hundred Years of Cartoon Art. Boston: Bullfinch, 1990. 200pp. ISBN 0-8212-1754-2 (hardcover), 0-8212-1756-9 (paperback). Phelps, Donald. Reading the Funnies: Essays on Comic Strips. Seattle, WA: Fantagraphics Books, 2001. 305pp. ISBN 1-56079-368-4 (paperback). Pustz, Matthew J. Comic Book Culture: Fanboys and True Believers. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1999. 244pp. ISBN 1-57806-200-4 (hardcover), 1-57806-201-2 (paperback). Reed, David. The Popular Magazine in Britain and the United States, 1880-1960. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997. 287pp. ISBN 0-8020-4214-7 (hardcover). Reynolds, Moira Davison. Comic Strip Artists in American Newspapers 1945-1980. Jefferson, NC & London: McFarlane, 2003. 193pp. ISBN 0-7864-1551-7 (paperback). Robbins, Trina. 1993. A Century of Women Cartoonists . Northampton, MA: Kitchen Sink Press. Robbins, Trina. 1999. From Girls to Grrrlz: A History of Women's Comics From Teens to Zines. San Francisco: Chronicle Books. ISBN 0-8118-2199-4 (paperback). Robbins, Trina. 2001. The Great Women Cartoonists. NY: Watson-Guptill. 150pp. ISBN 0-8230-2170-X (paperback). Robbins, Trina. 1996. The Great Women Superheroes . Northampton, MA: Kitchen Sink Press, 1996. 210pp. ISBN 0-87816-482-0 (cloth), 0-87816-481-2 (paperback). Robbins, Trina, and Catherine Yronwode. 1985. Women and the Comics . Eclipse Books. 127 pp. ISBN 0-913035-01-7 (cloth), 0-913035-02-5 (paperback). Robinson, Jerry. 1974. The Comics: An Illustrated History of Comic Strip Art. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons. Saavedra, Scott. 2003. Flee, Puny Humans! It's the COMIC BOOK HEAVEN Collection! San Jose, CA: SLG. ISBN 0-943151-66-X (hardcover). Savage, William W. Jr. 1990. Comic Books and America, 1945-1954, . Norman and London: University of Oklahoma Press. Savage, William W. Jr. 1998. Commies, Cowboys, and Jungle Queens: Comic Books and America, 1945-1954. Wesleyan. 151 pp. (paperback). Rpt. Comic Books and America, 1945-1954, . Not yet seen to confirm if the book contains any additional material. Scott, Elaine. 1993. Funny Papers: Behind the Scenes of the Comics . Photographs by Margaret Miller. New York: Morrow Junior Books. 90pp. ISBN 0-688-11575-6 (cloth). Scott, Randall W. 1988. Comic Books and Strips: An Information Sourcebook. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press. 152pp. ISBN 089774389X (paperback). Sheridan, Martin. 1942. Classic Comics and Their Creators Steranko, James. 1970. The Steranko History of Comics, Vol. One . Reading, PA: Supergraphics,. Steranko, James.1972. The Steranko History of Comics, Vol. Two . Reading, PA: Supergraphics. Strickler, Dave, comp. 1995. Syndicated Comic Strips and Artists 1924-1995: The Complete Index . Cambria, CA: Comics Access. 219pp. Thompson, Don, and Dick Lupoff, eds. The Comic-Book Book . New Rochelle, NY: Arlington House, 1974.
Brian. The
Before 1945.
New York: Harry N. Abrams, 2004.
336pp. ISBN 0810949709 (hardcover).
It! Walker,
Brian. The
Comics: Since 1945. New
Harry N. Abrams, 2002. 336pp. ISBN 0810934817 (hardcover).
Mort. Backstage
at the Strips.
New York: Mason/Charter, 1975.
311pp. ISBN 088405117X (hardcover-Buy
It! Walker, Mort, comp. National Cartoonists Society Album: 1972-1977 Edition . Greenwich. CT: Fairview Printers, [1972?]. Waugh, Coulton. The Comics . Macmillan, 1947. Rpt. Jackson and London: University Press of Mississippi, 1991. Weiner, Stephen. 1996. 100 Graphic Novels for Public Libraries . Northampton, MA: Kitchen Sink Press, 1996. Weiner, Stephen. 2003. Faster Than a Speeding Bullet: The Rise of the Graphic Novel. Introduction [sic] by Will Eisner. New York: NBM. 66pp. ISBN 1561633674 (hardcover). Wertham, Fredric. 1954. Seduction of the Innocent . New York: Reinhart. (hardcover)
White, David Manning, and Robert H. Abel. 1963. The Funnies: An American Idiom. New York: Free Press of Glencoe. Witek, Joseph. 1989. Comic Books as History: The Narrative Art of Jack Jackson, Art Spiegelman, and Harvey Pekar . Jackson and London: University Press of Mississippi. Wood, Art. 1987. Great Cartoonists and their Art . Gretna, Louisiana: Pelican. 192pp. ISBN 0882894765 (hardcover). Wright, Bradford W. Comic Book Nation: The Transformation of Youth Culture in America. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001. 336 pp. ISBN 080186514X (cloth). Wright, Nicky. The Classic Era of American Comics. Foreword by Joe Kubert. Lincolnwood (Chicago), IL: Contemporary Books, 2000. ISBN: 0809299666 (hardcover). WebLinks: The Association of American Editorial Cartoonists WebLinks: Comic Vine - "The world's largest comic book encyclopedia and community." |