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Spiegelman, Art and Françoise Mouly, eds.  RAW.  1980-1991.

See Also: Entries for Maus and Art Spiegelman
Entries about RAW at Michigan State University's Comic Art Collection
WebLink:  Index of contributors to RAW, by issue but not by page

RAW Volume 1 (Published by RAW Books & Graphics)
  • RAW #1 (July 1980): The Graphix Magazine of Postponed Suicides (?pp.+)
  • RAW #2 (December 1980): The Graphic Magazine for Damned Intellectuals (?pp.+)
  • RAW #3 (July 1981): The Graphix Magazine that Lost its Faith in Nihilism (?pp.+)
  • RAW #4 (March 1982): The Graphix Magazine for Your Bomb Shelter's Coffee Table (?pp.+)
  • RAW #5 (March 1983): The Graphix Magazine of Abstract Depressionism (50pp+)
  • RAW #6 (May 1984): The Graphix Magazine that Overestimates the Intelligence of the American Public (74pp+; ISSN 0-742-4434)
  • RAW #7 (May 1985): The Torn-Again Graphix Magazine (50pp.+; ISSN 0-742-4434)
  • RAW #8 (September 1986): The Graphic Aspirin for War Fever (78pp.+; ISSN 0-742-4434)
Read Yourself RAW ("Pages from the rare first three issues of the comics magazine for damned intellectuals!"). NY: Pantheon Books, 1987

RAW Volume 2 (Published by Penguin Books)

Copyright © Comics
This Page Last Updated 22 October 2006.