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Coupiere, Pierre, Maurice C. Horn, Proto Destefanis, Edouard François, Claude Moliterni, and Géald Gassiot-Talabot. A History of the Comic Strip. Tr. Eileen B. Hennessy. Originally published in France in 1967 as Bande Dessinée et Figuration Narrative. Created in conjuction with the exhibition of comic-strip art at Musée des Arts Décoratifs / Palais du Louvre. New York: Crown P, 1968.

Preface by Milton Caniff . . . 3
Foreword . . . 4
Introduction by Burne Hogarth . . . 5

  1. Background . . . 7
  2. The Origins of the Comic Strip . . . 11
  3. Period of Adjustment: 1910-1928 . . . 35
  4. The Upheval of the Thrities . . . 57
  5. The Crisis of the Forties: 1940-1948 . . . 83
  6. The Regeneration of the Comic Strip . . . 103
  7. Production and Distribution . . . 129
  8. The Comic-Strip Audience . . . 147
  9. The World of the Comic Strip . . . 155
  10. Narrative Technique . . . 179
  11. Esthetics and Significance . . . 205
  12. Narrative Figuration . . . 229
Index . . . 253
NOTE: The conception of this book, as well as chapters 1, 7, 8, 9, 11, and the notes for all the chapters (except chapters 10 and 12) were done by Pierre Couperie of the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes Historiques.

Proto Destefanis and Edouard François have treated the Italian and the French-language comic strips, respectively, in chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. 

The history of the American comic strip (in chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) was written by Maurice C. Horn, who also assisted in the final editing of this book.

Claude Moliterni is the author of Chapter 10, devoted to narrative technique.

Gérald Gassoit-Talabot prepared Chapter 12, devoted to narrative figuration.

Copyright © Comics
This Page Last Updated 8 August 2006.