Pearson, Roberta E., and William Uricchio, eds. The Many Lives of the Batman: Critical Approaches to a Superhero and his Media. New York: Routledge, 1991. ISBN 0-415-90346-7 (cloth), 0-415-90347-5 (paper). London: BFI, 1991. ISBN 0-85170-275-9 (cloth), 0-85170-276-7 (paper).

NOTE: The page numbers in this Table of Contents refer to the Routledge (U.S.) edition.
  1. Batman: Commodity as Myth, Bill Bloichel . . . 4
  2. Notes from The Batcave: An Interview Dennis O'Neil, Roberta E. Pearson and William Uricchio . . . 18
  3. Batman and the Twilight of the Idols: An Interview with Frank Miller, Christopher Sharrett . . . 33
  4. "Holy Commodity Fetish, Batman!": The Political Economy of a Political Intertext, Eileen Meehan . . . 47
  5. Batman and His Audience: The Dialectic of Culture, Patrick Parsons . . . 66
  6. Batman: The Ethnography, Camille Bacon-Smith with Tyrone Yarborough . . . 90
  7. Same Bat Channel, Different Bat Times: Mass Culture and Popular Memory, Lynn Spiegel and Henry Jenkins . . . 117
  8. Batman, Deviance, and Camp Andy Medhurst . . . 149
  9. Batman: The Movie, Narrative: The Hyperconscious, Jim Collins . . . 164
  10. "I'm Not Fooled by that Cheap Disguise," William Uricchio and Roberta E. Pearson . . . 182 

Reviews in Print
  1. Anderson, John. [Review.] Postmodern Culture 1.3 (May 1991). Read Text is Copyright © Gene Kannenberg, Jr.,
This Page Last Updated 22 March 2005.