Douglas, Allen, and Fedwa Malti-Douglas. Arab Comic Strips: Politics of an Emerging Mass Culture. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1994. 263 pp. ISBN 0-253-31814-9 (cloth), 0-253-20831-9 (paper).
  1. Introduction: The World of Arab Comic Strips . . . 1
  2. Mickey in Cairo, Ramsîs in Paris . . . 9
  3. Nasser, or the Hero in Strips . . . 27
  4. Machismo and Arabism: Saddâm Husayn as Lone Hero . . . 46
  5. Radicalism in Strips: Ahmad Hijâzî . . . 60
  6. Sacred Images: Islamic Comic Strips . . . 83
  7. Syria: The Party-State and its Strips . . . 110
  8. Tradition Viewed from the Maghrib: Tunisia . . . 130
  9. Arabian Success Story: Mâjid . . . 150
  10. Bilingual Politics: The Algerian Strip . . . 174
  11. Images in Exile: Beur Comic Strips . . . 198
  12. Regional Highways, Regional Signs . . . 217

Reviews in Print is Copyright © Gene Kannenberg, Jr.,
All Reviews are Copyright © Their Respective Authors. 
These documents may be reproduced only in full and only for personal or academic research. This Page Last Updated 20 July 2000.